The Inkplate - Post-Christmas Edition

The case for a weekly printmaking newsletter..

“Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing.”

Georgia O’Keeffe

Welcome back printmakers! A super warm welcome to the 6 new folks who joined last week!

I hope you have all been spending time with your loved ones and had or are still having the best holidays ever! I am currently in Sin City aka Las Vegas enjoying some time off myself. Let’s hope I come back with some big winnings. :)

Happy Holidays!

In this week’s issue:

  • Why I Write ‘The Inkplate’

  • Introducing Patreon Subscription

  • Final Holiday Update

  • Speedball Takeover!

Let’s dive in!

Why I Write 'The Inkplate'

Recently someone sent me a direct message asking me why I write a printmaking newsletter. It made me smile.

My first response was, “Why not?”

When I launched this newsletter, I had no idea if anyone would read it, much less willingly subscribe to it. Eight months later, here we are with three times the amount of readers I started this adventure with.

Each week I am amazed to see someone is still reading and subscribing. Seriously thanks!

My goal with The Inkplate continues to be:

  1. Share with you my real lino and woodcut printmaking techniques (without the fluff) - not the 10 second Instagram/TikTok version of it. To present a real deep dive of how I make art and how you can too

  2. Update you on my upcoming projects, successes and failures

  3. Produce and create useful quality learning material either in guides or via long format videos

  4. Share new artists and their perspectives

  5. Build community

I have learned or experienced something new this year and I wanted to share that with you. Instagram and YouTube are nice avenues, but the direct nature of email is my favorite way to communicate. It’s more personal and special.

I want to express my gratitude to all of you. Whether you have been here since the early days on Mailchimp or just joined recently, whether you are one of my regular correspondents or just like to lurk quietly, please know that I deeply appreciate your support. I hope you have found something in this newsletter that has inspired your creativity. You have made this experience a true joy all while reminding me that I can learn something new and that this type of interaction no social media algorithm can replicate.

As the months have gone by, some readers have asked and others recommended that I make a premium newsletter. Although the idea of paywalling The Inkplate was tempting, it would have defeated the purpose of why I started writing. However, I also wanted to extend an avenue for folks who wanted to contribute. That is why I am launching a Patreon.

Support The Inkplate on Patreon

Launching a Patreon page is something I had been teasing in previous articles and on Instagram. It is something that to be quite honest got me nervous, because if I ever launched anything I wanted to make sure subscribers got their money’s worth.

With the initial launch of the Daniel Villa Art Studio Patreon page, you will be able to support the work of The Inkplate, if you so desire. Over time more tiers will open up.

One of my goals for 2023 is to launch a quarterly print subscription and even mentorship and private lessons. These services will be offered through Patreon. I will also be revamping the YouTube channel, especially now that I am close to reaching 1,000 subscribers.

Trust me I get it. One more subscription? If you decide to become a Patreon member, your financial contributions will help keep The Inkplate free for everyone. You can support it for as long or little amount of time as you like. Thanks for just being here.

LAST Holiday Update

Thank you for your support!

Thank you so much to everyone who supported the studio during the holidays. As a small artist and business, holiday sales are huge in keeping things afloat.

Discounts are still available and will be until the end of the month at

Speedball Instagram Takeover

I hope you are ready to end and start the year with a bang! From December 28th to January 8th, I’ll be taking over the Speedball Instagram account @speedball_art. I will be sharing some of my work, introduce you to some new pieces I have not printed yet, and have a couple live carving sessions, printing and Q&A sessions. I hope to see you there!

Before You Go,

  • Want to be part of the ‘Artist Highlight’ or know of someone who might be, fill out this interest form!

  • Do you have a printmaking or artist-related question you want me to answer? Reply to this email and let me know!



or to participate.