Alex Escalera, a copy writer by day and printmaker by night. He shares his struggles as a pandemic printmaker and his epic green outdoor studio!
Turning a passion into a steady form of income...
The emblematic printmaker with the stunning geometrical designs and patterns.
Fighting Impostor Syndrome
This week we talk to interdisciplinary artist Lonesome Bill, currently residing in Milwaukee. Bill talks to us about expressing yourself through art, embracing the awkward moments of art, and drops some fine advice for beginners.
Making dreams come true
Working smarter. Not harder.
Esta semana platicamos con los chavos de Tres Gatos Press, un dúo de grabadores residiendo en Guadalajara, México. Ellos nos platican formas alternativas para trabajar y han creado una comunidad.
This printmaking duo based in Guadalajara, Mexico. They tell us about alternative ways of working and how they have created a community of printmakers.
Getting started with linocut.
Esta semana en el boletín 'The Inkplate' platicamos con Alexis Nutini, grabador residiendo en Filadelfia que nos explica como incluye las nuevas tecnologías en su práctica, y como crear un practica saludable que propulse una carrera artística.
Alexis Hugo Nutini, a Philadelphia-based printmaker, and he explains more about how he includes new technologies in his practice, and how to create a healthy practice that will propel an artistic career.